Nagpurian Mehre successfully finishes Ironman in Western Australia #pkyblog #pkyvlog

Nagpurian Mehre successfully finishes Ironman in Western Australia By Pradeepkumar Yadav NAGPUR’S Mayank Mehre, working as a Bank Manager in New Delhi, has become second athlete from Central India to successfully finish the Ironman race. He achieved the feat last Sunday by completing the tough SunSmart Ironman Western Australia held at Busselton, Western Australia. Dr Amit Samarth holds the honour of completing the Ironman in Western Australia last year. SunSmart Ironman Western Australia is considered an important race on the Ironman calendar since over a decade. Twenty-six-year-old Mehre did extremely well to complete the full Ironman in 13 hours, 44 minutes, 37 seconds. Over 1300 athletes from over 40 countries took part in the race. The Ironman constitutes of 3.8km swimming followed by 180 kms of cycling and a full marathon run of 42.2 kms. All the three categories are to be completed in 17 hours. Mayank completed the race well before the scheduled time despite having a...